Whether it’s on the tennis court or in a classroom, Lora Kate DiPonzio is always putting in her full force for this school.
She has attended Stratford Academy for five years. Her favorite FLIK food, which is the fan favorite, their chocolate chip cookies.
Of the many teachers that Lora Kate has had here, one in particular has stood out. Mr. Bobby Stecher has impressed her with his wit of math. She said he explains things and overall has made her better at math. She said his sense of humor plays a big role in his classes being a fun atmosphere.
She has many memories at Stratford. A special one was when Stratford beat FPD in football, 28-21, in 2014. She recalls storming the field, taking down one or two fences on the way, and the overall feeling that we had just won.
The Stratford senior said she will miss the college office the most. She has been their intern this year, and experienced how caring and sweet the staff is.
Lora Kate hopes to major in nursing. Although she is not quite sure where she wished to attend yet, she knows wherever she goes she will love.