Miller Ann Davis has attended Stratford since kindergarten and made many great memories, friendships, and relationships with her teachers.
Her favorite class is AP Environmental Science, and her favorite teacher Ms. Carol Lanier
The best FLIK food, according to Miller Ann, is the cheese pizza.
At Stratford, she has enjoyed participating in tennis since middle school.
Her favorite memory of her time at Stratford was the Washington trip in the sixth grade. Her most embarrassing moment came in the eighth grade when she tripped her sister, Layne, who “flew down the hallway, which was embarrassing for her.”
But it was Miller’s turn to be embarrassed when Ms. Millie Jones yelled at her and the hall erupted in laughter.
When she graduates, she said she’ll miss the personal relationships she made with teachers and carry her friendships with her to college, where she is looking forward to newfound freedom.