Taylor Swan
Rising senior Jonathan Siegel said he is very “excited” and “humbled” to be elected student body president for next year.
Jonathan defeated fellow juniors Marta Stevenson and Ashlin Jackson in Tuesday’s voting. He will head up the new Student Leadership Board (SLB), which combines the Student Activities Board and Student Issues Board into one governing body.
The new president-elect said he “plans to have lots of spirit days and many activities, along with an idea we can have late start every two weeks on Wednesday.”
He called the new SLB “a really good idea as far as structure in the grades, and it give seniors lots more opportunities for leadership.”
Upper School Assistant Principal Mrs. Theresa Ferrari agreed that SLB is a way for more students to have leadership opportunities.
“By combining the SAB and the SIB into one organization, the Student Leadership Board eliminates duplicate efforts,” Mrs. Ferrari said. “Particularly in the issues board they don’t have a whole lot of opportunities to get involved. By combining them into one we are giving students the chance to be involved in both activity planning and student issues.”