It’s all in a name

Two animals and an adjective certainly make it interesting


Taylor Swan, Josie Lamb and Lillie Sweet Strickland

My name is Taylor Swan, like the animal.

My name is Josie Lamb, like the animal.

My name is Lillie Sweet, like the adjective.

Out of the hundreds of high school students are Stratford, we have some of the most unique names, and we happen to be best friends.

Taylor Swan

When I was little, my grandfather and I loved going to feed the horses and all the animals at the pond at Wesleyan College. I loved seeing all the animals, but my favorite part was getting to see the swans.

This is when swans became my favorite animal. I still love to ride through Wesleyan and looking at the swans in the pond.

It takes me back to when I was younger, and those fun memories with my grandfather, while reminding me of the times when I first started to realize how unique and fun my last name was.

Over the years, I have been given nicknames by my friends relating to my last name. In lower school, one of my close friends called me “Suwanee River” and sang the lyrics of an old song, “Way Down Upon the Suwanee River.”

Today, people still call me “T-Swan” and “Swan.” Swans represent grace, beauty, and love. They are symbols of music and poetry, which are two of my favorite things. Swans are pretty and pure animals, and I love that my last name is Swan.

Josie Lamb

When I was younger, I would refuse to eat lamb. Whenever my family cooked it, I told them I was not going to eat it and did not know why they would want to eat it. I finally tried it last year and did not like it at all.

Over the years, my friends have come up with nicknames based off of my last name. My friend, Lillie Sweet, called me “Lady BaaBaa” all of seventh grade. Sometimes when I would tell people my name, they would make lamb noises.

I used to dislike my last name because I thought it was weird, but I have realized that I actually like it. I love having a unique name and it is fun having a best friend with another animal name.

Lillie Sweet Strickland

Growing up with the double name, Lillie Sweet, has impacted my life in more ways than one.

“Sweet” has been in the family for many years. There are three Betty Sweets , a Ginny Sweet, and of course, Lillie Sweet.

Many people ask me if having such a name pressures me to be a nice person. The truth is, I never really think about it that much.

I can vividly remember going to tennis lessons when I was little and whenever I was giving my tennis coach some attitude, he would call me “Lillie Bitter” for the rest of the day.

Some nicknames I have had through the years, and there are many, are Lillie Mean, Lillie Sour, Lil Sweet, Little Sweet, Sweet, and many more.