Chandani Patel
Senior Kailey Bohan makes copies for the college office
Stratford juniors and seniors have the opportunity to intern for faculty members each semester.
Students can apply to work in the lower school, middle school, upper school, help desk, or other assignments. But their first choice is not guaranteed. Faculty members also can request a student.
Senior Kailey Bohan is an intern in the college office. Kailey requested the upper school, but she did not have a preference where she interned.
“I really like being their intern because I enjoy the company I receive from Ms. (Alana) Cowart and Mrs. (Martha) Eubanks,” she said.
Her daily routine consists of organizing tasks. So far, she has completed some grading for the upper school office, made copies, organized the college books in the hallway, filed and shredded papers, and put together the upper school folders given to freshman in the beginning of the year.
She said her tasks are not as difficult or intimidating as they might seem. Although, Kailey did admit she sometimes has trouble using the copier machine and making pennants for the college billboard located in the hallway.
Emory Sutherland, senior, is an intern at the Eagles Nest. She enjoys working with Mrs. Meredith Bridges and Mrs. Kelli Bailey. She was an intern for the Eagles Nest last year and requested to do it again for her senior year.
“It is different from last year because I know how everything works now,” she said. “I also intern during fifth period, so I have it during middle school lunch, and I know all of them now which is cool.”
Her daily routine consists of charging people for what they buy using the computer, restocking apparel and other products.
Her favorite part of being an intern is the “Secret Santa Shop” before the holidays.
“We set up in the preschool, and it is a fun, festive shop where we sell small gifts,” she said.