Carter Atkinson is a senior at who has been going to Stratford with her twin sister, Samantha, since the sixth grade.
Along with her twin sister, Sam, she also has two brothers who also attended Stratford Academy.
Carter enjoys her AP Lit class with Dr. Frank Katz. She loves this English class because it is a class of only girls and she has so much fun.
When she leaves Stratford, she will miss all of the favorite teachers and her favorite classes, English and French.
Carter has many favorite teachers at Stratford, which are, Mrs. Rachel Chabot, Dr. Frank Katz, Mr. Stephen O’Hara, Mr. Bobby Stecher, and other teachers she has loved.
When Carter leaves Stratford, even though she is still deciding what college she will be attending in the fall, she “hopes to dance professionally” and double major in a major french-related and dance.
“Well, I don’t have much free time because I am always dancing, or at school, or doing homework, but in my free time I normally watch Netflix,” she said.
Even though Carter spends most of her time at dance, she still has time to watch her favorite TV show “Stranger Things” when she gets home.
Carter rarely has any free time due to her busy school schedule with five AP classes but also her busy day to day life with dance. Dance has been Carter’s main extracurricular since she wasv3 years old.
She currently dances at Dance Arts Studio and plans to continue to dance in college. Her dream is to dance professionally and make a career as a dancer after college.