Clarke Jones

Clarke Jones

Scooter, my border collie, is very high energy. Whenever I come home, he wags and tail and jumps all over me in excitement.

He loves to play and do tricks for treats. He knows how to sit, shake, lay, and play dead.

He has been going to training to better his skills.

Scooter loves meeting new people and dogs. His herding nature always kicks in, and he loves to have everyone in one place.

Scooter always knows how to put a smile on someone’s face.





My family has decided to carry a tradition from our old neighborhood to our new neighborhood.

You’ve been boo-ed is very discrete. The mission is to leave Halloween inspired goodies on a neighbor’s doorstep without getting caught. My mom and I went to the store and picked out Halloween inspired bags, two for each child.

You’ve been boo-ed is very discrete: the mission is to leave Halloween inspired goodies on a neighbor’s doorstep without getting caught.

We filled them with lots candy. Ring Pops, Snickers, Blow Pops, Reeces’s, and M&M’s were placed around a container of cotton candy and a skeleton cup that we filled with candy corn.

We also included funny glasses and fake teeth. Now that the bags were put together, it was time for the true challenge.

We drove the golf cart up to our targets’ home, and we snuck up to their front porch. We placed the bags down carefully, knocked on the door, and ran back to the golf cart.

I hope they enjoyed their sweet surprise.

Marshall Butler

 “Hanging out with my friends (makes me happy) because I like being with other people.”

“When people tell me the same thing over and over again (annoys me) because they’ve already told me once!”

“Phones (are the greatest invention of the past 25 years) because of all of the different things it can do.”

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