Name: Evie
Nickname: E or Evie
- Break the Fence
- Have a graduation
- Get into college
Something you may not know about me: “I used to be allergic to nuts.”
Best Quality: “I am always optimistic because I think that it always helps me in bad situations
Worst Fear: “Being on Claudia Pope’s bad side because she is so scary when she’s mad.”
Most embarrassing moment: “In 8th grade I was running to P.E. because I got to school late and I ran around the corner into Mr. Stecher and fell on my face and got his coffee all over me.”
Favorite Restaurant:“Fountain of Juice because I used to work there and the food is amazing.”
Favorite season: “Summer because no school!”
Favorite Social Media: “Instagram so I can see what everyone I know is up to.”
Fav thing to wear: “A jacket because I am always cold.”
Morning or Night: “I am a night person because I like to stay out and hang out with friends.”
What makes me smile: “My friends because they are funny.”
What annoys me: “Also my friends because I am with them way too much.”
Vaccine: “COVID so that I could have a normal senior year.”
Favorite Saying: “Does anyone have any extra food?”