High school students meeting on the weekends at the Burger King on Forsyth Road.
Saturday night. No plans. What do you do?
Are you bored and not sure what to do or where to go? The answer for some Stratford students: go to Burger King.
Have you ever driven by the Burger King on Forsyth Rd and seen a group of Stratford students sitting in the parking lot?
Chances are, you probably have. Burger King, known as “BK ” is where many students sit around in their cars and hangout. Specifically the BK of Forsyth Rd. It’s conveniently beside the shell, where you can purchase snacks and gas. BK is the place that you can go to and always find a friend.
It’s the place to go to when you don’t know who to hangout with or what to do. Although it doesn’t have fun games, television, or comfy couches, it works for us.
For years, it’s been somewhat of a tradition. Students go there before or after sports events (especially football games), dances, or just to meet up with friends. It’s a good place to sit around while you’re waiting for an event to start.
Everytime I drive past, I recognize at least one car in the lot. Our 2019 pep club shirts even had the Burger King logo on the back.
“I really love just seeing my friends at BK. It’s a very social place” senior Bailey Thames said.
Occasionally we eat the food there, mainly fries and icees. The BK management doesn’t mind people sitting there, as long as they dont disturb other customers.
There was one instance where some students from Stratford and THE OTHER SCHOOL were sitting at Burger King and the cops showed up. The cops came to see what they were doing and then left. They reminded us of the no loitering signs, but people do not pay any attention to them.