Esha Panse
Varnika Guduri: “I’m so bad at being bad,” vartstuff, buger, Aswad at Kent State, eagles nest snacks, googoogaga, grape cake, minestrone soup that burned by tongue, Mr. Harrington, blue man group, the time you hit Meg’s car, meme page, Batman, feisty cherry coke, queen, quizbowl, Incredibles 2 with Waris, watching Meghana eat garbage everyday, Onision videos, being inseparable, prom dress malfunctions, New Years 2020
Meghana Vemuri: 6footkilla, poetry by Kavita, Joann’s birthday party, your spanish wordle guesses, the starving games, empowered women, chicken tender day, hot sauce packets, underwater swim squad, rolling down the hill next to the pit, Flik nachos, making cookie balls in third grade, making clay tablets at your house, Walter is better than Gimli, waking up to Gimli scratching the door, Youtube Rewind 2018
Ayaan Fazal: mooland, waiting for you in the pit, no classes together, ice cream, bungoo, verbal interchange, kelvin, Taylor>Kanye, blocking me, “you remind me of my mom,” sitting with you guys at lunch, smelling my food, Rolanda the strawberry, headbands, my birthday, 30 seconds, watching my tennis match, Prince Ali, redundant, last Halloween, Boosh
Waris Qadir: ginger beard, bagel bites, simp, clowns minus one, CSP, Team India, broccoli, Celine Dion, Incredibles 2, CAH
Annie Putzke: granny, tire pump poem, stats, fortune teller
Shreya Ranabhotu: Bahel, dub against fpd, Shreyray
Edie Sharpton: my tennis grip, the teagles instagram, waffle, one-time doubles partner, Rahulk
Ayush Patel: LATEP, chicken legs, inability to understand jokes, hacer
Aaron Perkel: Aaron Patel, AP Chem
Dylan Driver: sacrificio word, almost getting kidnapped in Providence, rat food
Suhani Viradia: soup my neighbor, Hayday, Jello, Ishawty
Abby Rose Perkel: ginger, St. Patrick’s Day, Suhani’s friend
Liam Fickling: magic mushroom soup, knuckles, fried banana
Hadley Cullars and Andy Cheek: le pho olo
Ishaan Narsinghaani: C on the bio test, quitting swim, never showing up to practice, speeding in the Tesla
Ellie Fitzgibbons: Mrs. Jones watching us practice, center of mass, drawing circles on the board
Athena Leskovics: AP Bio, ecology scavenger hunt, swim team
Cam Douthit: short king, that’s huge
Will Lamb

On Saturday night, I watched the football game at Vanderbilt vs. Georgia.
Georgia started with the ball and very quickly scored.
It did not take long for them to score, and the game kept on with Georgia scoring many times and Vanderbilt scoring only once to make the ending score of the game 30-6.
This was the first game of the season and I am excited that football season is back.
Georgia football has always been a very important thing in my life, as I have been too many games in my years.
I love UGA and I am looking forward to going to more games in the future.