Up, Up, Up, and Away
Red, yellow, blue, or green,
The children will see you soon!
Let the string go, goodbye balloon!
All up above they are seen
The trees they are wedged between
Helium lets the balloon to sail to the moon
It is let go at just about noon
Balloons seem never to be lean
Even through the skies, skipping along the clouds
Helium lifts rockets into space
Zooming past the stars
Helium added to a rockets proportion allows
A spaceship to fly away without a trace
The rocket placed in space to no longer be ours
High Dive
The surface so far, I wonder how long it’ll take to fall.
I look over, a sickening sensation, vertigo.
Onlookers shouldn’t care, yet they are drawn to my downfall.
The board wobbles as I step to the front, a spitball
For rethinking the choice, warning me of the deep indigo.
The surface so far, I wonder how long it’ll take to fall.
My final leap, my swan song for all.
Keep your judgements to yourself, let me go.
Onlookers shouldn’t care, yet they are drawn to my downfall.
You know I’m afraid of heights, yet you’re enthralled
At my suffering, even though we last spoke eons ago.
The surface so far, I wonder how long it’ll take to fall.
The wind brings smells of lavender and honeysuckle, the gall,
Yet it soothes, ebbing away at my steadfast ego.
Onlookers shouldn’t care, yet they are drawn to my downfall.
A high dive, no more time left to stall.
The water shifts below, waiting for its precious cargo.
Onlookers shouldn’t care, yet they are drawn to my downfall.
The surface so far, I wonder how long it’ll take to fall.