Up, Up, Up, and Away
Red, yellow, blue, or green,
The children will see you soon!
Let the string go, goodbye balloon!
All up above they are seen
The trees they are wedged between
Helium lets the balloon to sail to the moon
It is let go at just about noon
Balloons seem never to be lean
Even through the skies, skipping along the clouds
Helium lifts rockets into space
Zooming past the stars
Helium added to a rockets proportion allows
A spaceship to fly away without a trace
The rocket placed in space to no longer be ours
As children,
They were taught to color in the lines,
And they learned that if somehow the crayon slipped
And strayed from the boundaries of that black line,
The picture became worthless.
They regarded their teachers as authorities on such matters
And listened as they fed them lies about art and its value.
And as the children grew,
They carried false notions with them
And stayed far away from any scribbles.
Beautiful scribbles that were full of meaning and life
Were thrown away and lost forever while
Their more conventional counterparts were framed
And hung on the wall right next to the ones that looked
Just like them.