A Bouquet Of Flowers

Hoist your flaws, your fears, your shame.

Bring your pieces to me. I’ll put you back together again. 

Dry your tears, relight your flame.


I’ll hold your worries on my shoulders, even if it makes me lame,

Atlas himself I’ll maintain.

Hoist your flaws, your fears, your shame.

Do you remember how we danced, not for fame, 

But to celebrate living, jumping in the rain?

Dry your tears, relight your flame.


Life sours with sorrow, we look for someone to blame. 

I know it’s hard, holding pain.

Hoist your flaws, your fears, your shame.

A mother holds a child, playing a game 

It doesn’t laugh, only glares in disdain. 

Dry your tears, relight your flame.


You hold freshly cut flowers, see what we became. 

A baby’s laugh, our love proclaimed.

Hoist your flaws, your fears, your shame

Dry your tears, relight your flame.

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