Jocelyn Tang
Jocelyn Tang, a junior, has a diverse array of interests. She has a passion for math but also enjoys drawing in her free time. “Well I’ve always been exposed to math, and I’ve been on the math team since like elementary school. This year, I was given the ability to look more into math out of the curriculum,” she explained. This year, she is co-captain of the Math Team, and in pr...

Chidozie Nwabuebo
Chidozie Nwabuebo may have a difficult name to pronounce, but surprisingly, people like Mrs. Eubanks say it correctly. One thing that makes him happy is playing video games. “Video games make me happy because I enjoy playing them in my free time.” On the other hand, he becomes upset when teachers schedule tests a few days before it happens because that does not give students an ample amo...

Shaw London
“My name is Shaw London, and I like to play the piano. I like to play classical music on the piano. I also enjoy playing video games in my free time.”

Ellie Fitzgibbons
"Puppies make me happy because they are cute and loving." "My biggest pet peeve is when people tell you they have to tell you something and they either say 'nevermind' or 'I'll tell you later.'" "If I could have one superpower it would be teleportation because I don’t like sitting in the car on trips and you can be anywhere at any time."

Thomas Sachy
“I like to watch the news and procrastinate” “People are People.” - Depeche Mode

Tomi Sogade
"Keep on living. Keep on finessing.''

Ben Jamison
"I am annoyed when people walk really slow in the hallway when I try to get to class." "My last meal would be a filet mignon that I grill myself ,with a side of seasoned french fries with broccoli." "I am always happy whenever Stratford wins a football game or when Georgia Tech wins." ...

Gunn Bush
Gunn Bush typically stays very busy throughout his weekdays. He begins his day at 5 am, practicing cross country, as the fall season is approaching. After showering, he drives to school and is always prepared for his classes, due to his studious habits. Although devoted to his schoolwork, he describes his locker as a “rat’s nest,” because his organizing skills could use some work. Immediatel...

David Grant
"Tennis, it's a sport that I have been playing for the majority of my life. I practice routinely and am always out to perfect my game.'' "I have yet to have had to overcome a huge obstacle, but I'm prepared." "Half full, technically it's still half empty, but optimism can take you far in life."...

Will Fackler
"Georgia Tech football makes me happy because nothing beats Bobby Dodd Stadium on a Saturday." "Tutorial annoys me because I want to go home.'' "My last meal would be fruit roll ups."

Lila McCord
“My friends and my family (make my happy) because it is not stressful to be around them.” “When people go against their word, say the words crusty and chunky, and yellow rice (annoy me) because I hate it all.” “(My last meal would be) Taco Bell or Chick-fil-A or a nice steak because I really like those foods and they taste good.”...

Daniel Cohen
“Family and friends (make me happy) because of the constant amount of support” “Rude people (annoy me) because I feel like there is no point to be disrespectful.” “The iPhone (is the greatest invention in the past 25 years) because I like how everyone is connected.”

Shorter McCook
“I am happy when I am when my friends and family because I enjoy socializing. Though, sometimes that is difficult because I have a very busy schedule between all of my sports and keeping up my good grades. Overall, I would have to have to say I’m a glass half full type of person because you have to have a positive outlook on life!”

Sarah Pyles
“A lot of things (make me happy.) Friends, family, theatre, music. Just generally things that raise my spirits.” “Well, I’m very blessed. So, not a lot (of challenges.) But I have had a lot of medical issues in the past that have challenged my ability to overcome things. But (they) have overall made me a better person.” “Yes, I guess so? (I was born to be on) some sort of stage, in...

Maddie Dummitt
“Sitting in my bed watching Netflix and eating Mac and Cheese (makes me happy) because I don’t have to worry about my life." “Some people because they get on my nerves.” “Chick-fil-A Mac and Cheese (is the greatest invention of the past 25 years) because it’s delicious.”

Zeyna Abdulla
“My friends make me happy because they’re super supportive of me, and I can be myself around them.” “It annoys me when teachers assign pointless or irrelevant work because it wastes time.” “It (getting locker No. 1) was pretty cool at first but now it feels kind of normal. It is extremely convenient though.”...

Nora Jorgenson
“Chocolate (makes me happy) because it tastes good! Also, singing in chorus because it’s fun and relaxing to be able to just sing with a group once a day.” "It annoys me when people judge too quickly or assume something about someone they don’t really know. I have been guilty of this myself.” “I don’t know about having ‘musically gifted family’, but we do all enjoy practicing music on o...

Garret Solheim
"Ice cream (makes me happy) because it taste good.'' "Jokes about my torn ACL because (they) just annoy me.'' "Cell phones (are the greatest invention) because they are portable and convenient.''

Ann Marie Sikes
"I do not like to wake up early. No school makes me happy because I do not like to wake up early.” "I hate when people touch my belongings." “I want to be able to fly, then I could go wherever I wanted to go, and it would be pretty sick to fly, so yeah.”

Marshall Butler
“Hanging out with my friends (makes me happy) because I like being with other people.” “When people tell me the same thing over and over again (annoys me) because they’ve already told me once!” “Phones (are the greatest invention of the past 25 years) because of all of the different things it can do.”...

Langley Fickling
"One thing that makes me happy is hanging out with his friends. I am also happy whenever I am eating fries." "I get annoyed when people walk slowly in front of me since I walk fast in the hallways." "For my last meal, I would want steak, mashed potatoes, and a Coke because that is my favorite meal."...

Mary Blue Butler
Mary Blue Butler is a sophomore. One thing that makes Mary Blue happy is dogs. She loves how whenever she walks into the same room that they are in, they always get super happy and start to wag their tails. Her little brothers annoy her. Mary Blue hates it when they run into her room just to mess with her without having a reason. If Mary Blue could have any power, she would have the pow...

Gavin Martin
“(Superpower?) Probably to fly, it’s just simple, you can go anywhere whenever. Free.”

Danny Zhao
"Tech stuff (makes me happy) because I'm interested in it." When did you become interested in computers? "Since 2012." Do you have any hobbies? "Gaming & computers."

Bonnie Sherwood
“Being with my friends and family makes me happy because its always a fun time and we always laugh together.” “People smacking gum annoys me because when I was younger, I always remember my mom getting frustrated with it, so it caused me to.” “My superpower would be teleportation so it could help me to not be late all the time.” ...

Anna Thompson
I enjoy theatre and singing because it allows you to be someone you are not, and it is a great experience. I get very annoyed at mouth noises, they are very disgusting. The greatest invention is the cell phone because you can talk to people all around the world, and it keeps you connected to all your friends.

Andy Cheek
"I would definitely say that snow and winter or autumn makes me really happy." "The fact that I have four other siblings is a very annoying thing. They aren’t that annoying, but when you’re in a downstairs room under three of them it gets kinda annoying." "(Best invention of the past 25 years) Definitely some sort of technological advancement, I’d say WiFi is pretty great, Google is pretty...

Luke Deal
"Young Life (makes me happy) because I get to hang out with my friends.'' "When people are not quiet and noisy (annoys me) because it is aggravating." "The iPhone (is the greatest invention) because it makes so many everyday tasks so much simpler."

Jack Minette
Jack Minette is a sophomore, and he has lived in Georgia since he was a child. Unlike most Georgia teens, his favorite sport is snowboarding. Jack spends time in Steamboat, Colorado, skiing with his family. It makes it happy to him because “it’s cold and way too much fun.” However, one of the most annoying things to him are things that are especially slow “like baggage claim or lift line...

Kieran MacKinnon
"Weightlifting and wrestling are the two main things that make me happy because wrestling is my favorite sport and weightlifting is my favorite thing to do when I’m bored." "Whompy bears after football practice annoy me because they are really tiring and I’m already tired enough after practice." "Best invention of the past 25 years is the creation of iPhones because I love my iPhone and everyone u...

Aaron Perkel
“ I like to drive around with my friends because I like to hang out with them and they’re fun to be around.” “It’s annoying when I get my phone taken away.” “My last meal would be something at El Som because it is my favorite restaurant and it’s very yummy.”

Riley Davis
"The people I love and the stuff that I love to do. Specifically my friends, family, band, and theatre. These all make me happy." "The most annoying thing to me is when people walk and drive slow, mean people, and rude people because it is just inconsiderate." "My superpower would be to fly. When I was a little kid, one of my favorite books to read was Maximum ride. In the book there were kids and...

Nate Slappey
"Sports with friends makes me happy because of the memories I make on the fields and on the teams.'' "When I forget to bring my PE clothes (annoys me) because I have to do 'physical encouragement' in the form of burpees.'' "The iPhone (is the greatest invention of the past 25 years) because of the revolutionized communication and the new information and new I receive daily.''...

Rachel Toon
"(Superpower? Being invisible.) I’m hanging out with friend, I could walk away and no one would know.”

Maya Rubinstein
“Music makes me happy because there’s always something I can listen to, no matter what mood I’m in. Plus, I always have time for a good jam!”

Price Lee
“Being with my friends makes me really happy because we can just have fun talking and hanging out outside of school.” “It annoys me when people misuse good and well. I don’t really know why it’s just one of my pet peeves.” “I am considering going to graduate school to be a vet because I love animals, and I am also interested in science. I think that would be a great combination ...

Thomas Jones
“My friends, family, and going on vacation (make me happy.) I also like playing football.” “People who chew loudly (annoy me) and when my parents tell me what to do.” “Teleportation (would be my superpower) so I could leave school.”

Akins Manley
"I am happiest when I am working. To fulfill this excitement, I worked at the Spiller’s chicken farm most days this past summer. My daily eight hour shifts consisted of unloading new chickens, feeding chickens, and cleaning the chicken houses." "I get easily annoyed when someone makes an argument about something they are not correctly educated about. I find it difficult to remain calm and relax...

Adam Kacsoh
“Wood covering the pencil lead (annoys me.) Enough said. Making Bibliographies, too picky. And of course, the tyrannical, murderous regime known as the College Board.” What makes you happy and why? “God, country, family, and friends (make me happy) because they are integril for making my life great.” “WiFi (is the greatest invention.) It is just too important. And when I say WiF...

Jimmy Bowden
“Playing baseball (makes me happy) because it’s a fun sport and I enjoy playing it.” “All sports teams from Georgia that keep choking important games (annoy me) because they’ve done it a lot.” “The TV (is the greatest invention) because if you’re really bored you can just watch TV.”...

Hampton Yarbrough
Hampton Yarbrough is a freshman that recently joined the Stratford community. He has an older sister, named Mary Grace, who is 17 years old and attends FPD. Hampton plays lacrosse and runs cross country, and is approaching his sixth year playing lacrosse. His favorite place to travel to is Philadelphia. Fast and Furious 7 is Hampton’s favorite movie.

Maddie Fackler
“I really like to be outside, it’s pretty calming, especially in the fall because of the beautiful colors and its really nice temperature. I usually need to get work done and it helps me stay a little more focused.'' "(Flight as a superpower.) Definitely. You can go anywhere. You don’t have to pay for airplane tickets, and you wouldn’t have a scheduled flight either. You can just go anywhere y...

Anna Grace Grossnickle
“(My friends) make me happy, because we know how to make each other happy and have fun together.'' "(I have) been lucky and fortunate to not have gone through many challenges in my life, ... There are always new opportunities.”

Elinor Fenimore
“My friends and family (make me happy) because, when I’m hanging out with them, I don’t think about other things. I just think about having fun and relaxing. It’s the same way with youth at my church on Wednesday nights. It always feels like an escape from school work.” “I would have to say the cell phone, (is the best invention within the past 25 years) because it’s easier when we’re...

Katie Beth Powers
"One of the things that makes me happy is going to St. Simon's in the summer because the beach is super fun and makes the summer better. I also enjoy shopping and ice cream because they are the best thing in the world." "I dislike drama the most because I like everything to be perfect and have no problems. Another thing that I dislike is when I have a bad golf day or when I do badly on a test."...
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