Annie Putzke
Emily McElrath – your real name, pda couples
D. Cheeks – morning xc practice
Callie Evans – pepper spray
Milind Rugnath – APUSH, shoes, scripts, OKIBATIS, “bienvenue au crab shack”, middle school french
Liam Fickling – limp wrists, tea, hamboning,
Dylan Driver – the tree that almost hit your head, barbie movies, singing duets, flag man, boofing
Sophie Oedele – addison, dave’s wrath, canned soup, fantasy books, wallace and gromit, cursive, gingerbread houses, ice lakes, new years, pancakes, waitressing, root beer,
James Burrell – the eighth grade slow dance
Kate Hatcher – Biscuit the Seal, Pirates of the Caribbean, Little Kate, driving in hurricanes
Fiona Leary – dairy queen, Monsieur David, velcro shoes,
Connor Hurt – talking ben, Steve
Steve – adam driver, young keanu
Brandon Firlottle – the prolife pen, sponges, beef, emos, Amin squared, stare offs in the pit, caffeine, Liam Fickling, two in one shampoo, the great cough of ‘21
Piper – the creamery
Rachel Putzke – wyborne, moldy cheese, Chip, 40th anniversary cake, cutting the lawn with scissors, veggie burgers, cringe cup
John Putzke – taylor swift
Edie Sharpton – broccoli florets, the indian mounds, the jacob club
Ryan Bray – “Hello Annie”, viral penetration, five proms
Mason Speigel – facebook, boom beach, lord farquad, flipper feet, yeezys
Lucky Number 13
I hurry to board my plane, afraid that I might miss my flight
I glance down at my phone to check the hour
It seems I have a window seat, much to my delight
For now, I can only see bleak buildings and tall towers
With a jolt, the plane takes to the air
Out the window, I view tiny ships lined in the port
I place my headphones in my ears
Hoping for some rest, even if its short
Once we land, a cab takes me to Tokyo’s center
Eyes wide, I examine the imposing skyscrapers
Tomorrow, a train will take me to my adventure
In this beautiful, metal city, I am but a stranger
From the plane to the buildings and everything between
It was all aluminum, lucky number 13