Annie Putzke
Emily McElrath – your real name, pda couples
D. Cheeks – morning xc practice
Callie Evans – pepper spray
Milind Rugnath – APUSH, shoes, scripts, OKIBATIS, “bienvenue au crab shack”, middle school french
Liam Fickling – limp wrists, tea, hamboning,
Dylan Driver – the tree that almost hit your head, barbie movies, singing duets, flag man, boofing
Sophie Oedele – addison, dave’s wrath, canned soup, fantasy books, wallace and gromit, cursive, gingerbread houses, ice lakes, new years, pancakes, waitressing, root beer,
James Burrell – the eighth grade slow dance
Kate Hatcher – Biscuit the Seal, Pirates of the Caribbean, Little Kate, driving in hurricanes
Fiona Leary – dairy queen, Monsieur David, velcro shoes,
Connor Hurt – talking ben, Steve
Steve – adam driver, young keanu
Brandon Firlottle – the prolife pen, sponges, beef, emos, Amin squared, stare offs in the pit, caffeine, Liam Fickling, two in one shampoo, the great cough of ‘21
Piper – the creamery
Rachel Putzke – wyborne, moldy cheese, Chip, 40th anniversary cake, cutting the lawn with scissors, veggie burgers, cringe cup
John Putzke – taylor swift
Edie Sharpton – broccoli florets, the indian mounds, the jacob club
Ryan Bray – “Hello Annie”, viral penetration, five proms
Mason Speigel – facebook, boom beach, lord farquad, flipper feet, yeezys
High Dive
The surface so far, I wonder how long it’ll take to fall.
I look over, a sickening sensation, vertigo.
Onlookers shouldn’t care, yet they are drawn to my downfall.
The board wobbles as I step to the front, a spitball
For rethinking the choice, warning me of the deep indigo.
The surface so far, I wonder how long it’ll take to fall.
My final leap, my swan song for all.
Keep your judgements to yourself, let me go.
Onlookers shouldn’t care, yet they are drawn to my downfall.
You know I’m afraid of heights, yet you’re enthralled
At my suffering, even though we last spoke eons ago.
The surface so far, I wonder how long it’ll take to fall.
The wind brings smells of lavender and honeysuckle, the gall,
Yet it soothes, ebbing away at my steadfast ego.
Onlookers shouldn’t care, yet they are drawn to my downfall.
A high dive, no more time left to stall.
The water shifts below, waiting for its precious cargo.
Onlookers shouldn’t care, yet they are drawn to my downfall.
The surface so far, I wonder how long it’ll take to fall.