A ‘happy’ day in more ways than one
Junior Marta Stevenson, editor of the yearbook, shares a birthday with Valentine’s Day and will hand out roses on Wednesday when sweethearts are announced during break

Gazebo Photo by Kaitlyn Neel
Marta Stevenson is shown at last year’s Valentine’s Sweethearts ceremony in the cafeteria
Marta Elizabeth Stevenson was born on February 14, 2001. This date is significant for more than just her birthday.
It also is Valentine’s Day, a day of love. It is a day full of chocolate, flowers, and nice dinner dates.
For Marta, it also includes birthday cake, presents, and another year to add to her life.
Some people who have birthdays on holidays often feel left out because their birthdays are taken over by other things. Marta enjoys the decorations, the love felt all around, and the abundant amounts of flowers.
Marta has two younger brothers, AJ and Kjell, both students at Stratford. As most big families know, holidays must be equally split between all the kids. This can be a little tricky when there is a birthday on that holiday. She says her parents usually do a little something in the morning, where all three children get their valentines. The night is reserved for her birthday festivities.
Marta said older people put it together when she tells them her birthday is Feb. 14. It takes younger people a little longer to realize it.
Her mother, Sara, knew her daughter was going to be born on this date. It couldn’t have worked out better because now Marta shares a birthday with her Great Aunt Barb and her friend Maimee Henderson’s mother, Beth.
Valentine’s Day is special for Marta because she gets to spend it with her friends.
Since she is the editor of Stratford’s yearbook, she gets to announce the “Valentine’s Sweethearts” winners of each grade Wednesday in the cafeteria during break.
It’s an exciting day for everyone.
Happy Birthday, Marta.
And, to everyone else, Happy Valentines Day.

GRADE: Senior
YEARS ON GAZEBO: Fourth year
MY FAVORITE THINGS: Netflix, my friends, horses, my sisters, and cooking

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