Final performance of ‘Addams Family’ postponed
Illness sweeps through cast … Monday’s performance will be rescheduled before spring break on March 22
Monday’s final performance of Stratford’s winter musical, ”The Addams Family” was postpoed due to illness in the cast.
Director of Theatre Ms. Sylvia Haynie said several cast members from the principle group had “pushed on” through the weekend performance but on Monday morning ”at least one of them tested positive for the flu.”
She said the show was postponed to “take care of everyone … the cast, crew and audience.” She said the play will be rescheduled before spring break on March 22.
Monday’s performance of “The Monsters Club,” featuring more than 40 Lower School students, will proceed as scheduled at 7 p.m. Tickets are $5 at the door.

Rania Akbar is a senior and has been attending Stratford since kindergarten. This is her fourth year on the Gazebo staff and first year as news editor....