Time for Talent! Sign up for the Talent Show
Only five more acts for the show to go on!

Do you want to see Elinor Fenimore or Paige Grey sing a song?
Do you want to watch the senior girls dance?
Or Adam Kacsoh present an original story?
Do you have a special talent you’d like to share? On March 19th there will be an upper and middle school talent show where you can see your peers perform, and perform yourself.
The show will be held from 1:45-3:20 p.m. in the Grady.
So far there have been a wide variety of acts who have signed up including acts about dance, gymnastics, music, comedy, and even an original interpretation of a cartoon.
If more students do not sign up for the March 19th upper and middle school talent show, then the show will not go on.
In order for the talent show to happen, then at least six more acts will need to sign up for the show.
The deadline for sign ups is Friday, January 31st. In order to sign up, you and your group members will need to scan a QR code in Doctor Kayla Morales’ room. She is located in room nine.
QR codes can also be found by Mrs. Schorr’s office, by the LSC and on the bulletin by the lockers. It is important that you update your QR code information if you have already filled one out.

Anne Travis Evans is a sophomore and on her second year on the Gazebo.
She plays tennis and is a member of the Key Club.
Her favorite thing about...