Yellow, yellow everywhere!

Pollen season making the rounds at The Academy

Gazebo Photo by Annie Shih

Pollen season takes its toll (Photo/Illustration)

Spring is here, and the air is filled with bright yellow pollen.

It is everywhere you look. Streets. Cars. Patios.

Many  Stratford students suffer from seasonal allergies, and this pollen season is taking its toll.

School nurse, Victoria Lee, said that there have been many students coming to her complaining about allergy and that the only remedy for allergies is over the counter medicine that can be recommended by a doctor. 

Despite having to wear masks, Mrs. Lee said that “wearing masks outside can keep you from breathing in more pollen.”

Many students such as Junior Anna Mincey and Senior Lila McCord both suffer with seasonal allergies.

“Every time the pollen comes around it is an agonizing couple of weeks,” Anna said. “There comes a time when it looks as if I am crying every day because my eyes water so much.”

Nurse Lee believe masks are helping with these allergies but others believe masks are making much of the constant sneezing and sniffing a constant pain. 

“I believe that masks are making it worse,” Lila said. “I have never felt this sick from allergies in my whole life.”