Good Morning, Stratford Tuesday January 30
Pranya Kadiyala is STAR Student, names science teacher Mr. Luke Harrington as her STAR Teacher
January 30, 2024
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Sara Yarahmadi, Social Media Editor
NAME: Sara Yarahmadi
GRADE: Senior
SCHOOL ACTIVITIES: Theater , one act
HOBBIES/INTERESTS: Putting Puzzles together , playing chess , listening to classical music , watching K-Dramas and Animes
FAVORITE THING ABOUT STRATFORD: Teachers,Student, and my classes
YOU MIGHT NOT KNOW ABOUT ME: I would be really happy if anyone stop to say hi to me in hallways if you see me
HAPPY PLACE: Bed because its make me warm in the cold days and make me feel comfortable
ROLE MODEL: Myself, I like to go my ways and not to copy others ,I like to learn from my mistakes and find new ways that are for me and suits me
OBSESSION: Actually I’m really obsessed with doing nothing
WORST FEAR: Hight, Bugs
HIDDEN TALENT: Arguing , Though nobody really knows that I can argue well
ESSENTIAL ELEMENT (Something you can’t live without): people
THIS MAKES ME LAUGH: Finding myself in a silly situation or a really complicated situation
CELEBRITY CRUSH: I don’t have one