Bowling at the Academy
Freshman Gavin Martin helps start club, hopes to build enough interest to form a league

Gazebo Photo by Kieran MacKinnon
Junior McKinley Thompson, left, and senior Josh Bevill take aim at a recent practice
Stratford freshman Gavin Martin has started a bowling club with the help of Coach Tyler Brown.
Gavin began bowling last summer and wanted to make it a club sport for other students.
“They could put on their college resume, and something they could do after school,” he said.
Practices are held at Pin Strikes, a local entertainment complex on Sheraton Drive.
Once the club attracts more students, Gavin said he hopes teams can be developed to form “our own league, where it’s teams of four against other teams in the club.”

Members of Stratford’s new bowling team pause for a group photo

Kieran MacKinnon is a sophomore and this is his first year on the Gazebo. He plays football and soccer. He is on the wrestling and track teams . He also...