Wrestlers head to area meet
Young Eagles squad has lofty expectations

he end of wrestling season is approaching, and state qualifications are beginning. The first round of qualifications, the area tournament, is this weekend.
Stratford’s wrestling team is sending freshman Nathan Dummit at the 106-pound division, freshman Carter Nystrom in the 120-pound division, sophomore William Deal in the 138-pound division, and sophomore Kieran MacKinnon in the 170-pound division. The team is optimistic after strong results at the Bibb County tournament, with Dummit taking second place in the 106-pound class, Stevenson taking third in the 170-pound class, and MacKinnon winning third in the 182-pound class.
The Eagles also will send a 160-pound wrestler but since each team is only allowed to send one wrestler per weight class, the 160-pound starting position has been contested between freshman AJ Stevenson and freshman Harrison Tuck. Due to an injury, Tuck is unable to compete, so the position goes to freshman AJ Stevenson.
Stratford’s team is very young, with no upperclassmen and only two currently active sophomores, but is still expecting to finish strongly at area and send as many wrestlers as possible on to the next round.
“We are all eager to see the work from the season pay off, it’s all or nothing now we’re going to take care of business.”

Kieran MacKinnon is a sophomore and this is his first year on the Gazebo. He plays football and soccer. He is on the wrestling and track teams . He also...