AP testing just around the corner
With AP testing dates quickly approaching, both students and teachers are beginning to prepare. Students are purchasing prep books and reviewing notes from their teachers.
Most teachers recommend taking practice tests including essays, but of course each AP class requires a different approach. Some classes have covered more content than others and will have more in class review.
“I think it’s different for each AP course,” Chemistry teacher Mr. Luke Harrington said. “For instance, I have spoken to (math teacher) Mr. (Bobby) Stecher, and they’re almost finished with content now. So they will be reviewing extensively in preparation for the exam.
“In AP Chemistry, we are covering content almost right up to the exam,” Mr. Harrington said. “Most of the review will be done by them individually. I give them a lot of material from old AP exams and things like that but the review is mostly on their shoulders. That’s the biggie, as soon as we get through the content the more practice tests and prep books they use the better prepared they will be.”
Another important aspect for preparation is time management.
“The sooner you prepare the better,” U.S. History teacher Mr. Stephen O’Hara said. “I would take advantage of prep books and come to teachers with actual examples from those prep books. I would tell you guys to come to me with prompt driven examples because the more examples you go through the more comfortable you will feel with the real thing.”
Senior McKay Powers has her own way of getting ready for AP testing.
“I just get the Barron’s AP brand books and I’ll breathe through them and highlight the important stuff,” she said.

Rania Akbar is a senior and has been attending Stratford since kindergarten. This is her fourth year on the Gazebo staff and first year as news editor....

Arya Datta—sometimes confused for her “twin sister” Rania—is a senior and four-year Gazebo veteran who is leading this year as one of the News...