Band, Color Guard adapt to new normal
Gazebo Photo by Carson Butcher
Stratford’s Color Guard and band always have dressed themselves in their uniforms for performances.
This year, however, band members also have had to “dress” their instruments.
Fine Arts and Color Guard director Sylvia Haynie has had to adapt to a new teaching system following the Covid-19 outbreak.
The rules of separation during practices are quite different from usual.
All band and color guard members have to be six feet away from one another during practices, wear masks during practice, and even put masks on their instruments.
Ms. Haynie believes social distancing is the biggest change.
“I think that, most of the guard as well as with most of the band, are very comfortable with the masking and seem to be able to forget that that is a thing,” Ms. Haynie said.
During football games on Friday nights, the band and color guard have moved to a new location. They now sit on the far right side of the track, close to the end zone.
“I think everyone feels a lot safer not being crowded into a larger group,’’ Ms. Haynie said.
Another big change this year for the marching band are the away games
The Spirit of Stratford Marching Band, including Color Guard, will not be able to travel with the football team to most away games
Senior Alex Hall said she misses the away games as well as the dressing room festivities.
“I enjoyed leaving school early (for the games),” Alex said. She also used to help younger color guard members with their make-up before the Covid-19 restrictions.
“I think the guard is a very loving group of women, who forget a lot (about the social distancing and mask policy). It is also hard to manage small areas like the make-up area,” Ms. Haynie said.

NAME: Ranya Ajjan
GRADE: Senior
SCHOOL ACTIVITIES: Spanish Club, Key Club, Literary Team, Honor Council, Minds Matter Club

NAME: Mimi Rader
GRADE: Senior
SCHOOL ACTIVITIES: I enjoy participating in drama club, marching band, and spanish...

NAME: Carson Butcher
GRADE: Senior.
SCHOOL ACTIVITIES: Photography Club, Beta Club, DEI Alliance, Key Club, Latin...