Trashball making the rounds

Art project helps call attention to campus litter


Gazebo Photo by Ashle

If you have ever passed the art room, you may have noticed the sculpture of trash found in front of the classroom. What is called the “trashball,” different wrappers of different products of food are wrapped together in a circle ball. While it is not the most “appealing” piece of artwork, it brings attention to a social issue at Stratford.

“The purpose of the trash ball is to bring greater awareness to the social issue of littering,” Upper School art teacher Ms. Kristen Stephens said. “It is a visual representation of what we are doing to our environment and community.” 

All the wrappers in the sculpture were picked up on campus. Around Stratford grounds, trash can be found  in the hallways, lunchroom, sidewalks and more. 

“The purpose of the trash ball is to bring greater awareness to the social issue of littering. It is a visual representation of what we are doing to our environment and community.” 

— Ms. Kristen Stephens, art teacher

Sophomores Griffin Moore, Christopher Evans, Gavin McGuire, and Zane Harley created the sculpture last year. Throughout the year, the trashball was moved to different areas such as in the foyer in the lunchroom, in the tree near the Science building, and the library in the summer. 

This year, they are looking for new creative places to put the trashball. They preferably want it to be somewhere where it will draw people’s attention. They have not found a place to put it yet, but Ms.  Stephens is hoping to put it around the Macon community, not just on Stratford grounds. She is open to new ideas and wants new people to check her Instagram profile: @art_with_steve4 and comment creative ideas where the trashball should be showcased.