M&M’s? Skittles? Give me some Gerber Banana Puffs!

One of the most exciting things to see as a child is your mom pulling out small animal paper plates from the Kroger bags. If Kroger still sold the animal plates, my pantry would be stocked full of them.
Although I do not still use these, I still love all the favorite children’s foods.
I devour fruit punch Capri Suns and love to buy the rainbow ice popsicles in the summer.
I still have my traditional chocolate ice cream cone every night after dinner, sometimes accompanied by a small bowl of milk and Lucky Charms cereal.
Whether it is at Fountain of Juice, a casual restaurant, or a dinner at home, a grilled cheese never gets old. I still eat two-minute microwavable Kraft Mac N Cheese, which are not exactly low in carbs, calories, or cholesterol.
When you are sick, who would want to eat anything other than Campbell’s Chicken Noodle soup? And sometimes, if your mom is feeling generous, she may splurge for the Sponge Bob-shaped noodles.
When have you ever been to a kid’s party and not immediately spotted a dozen white-and-red pizza boxes from Dominos? Pizza is considered a kid’s snack but people of all ages order Domino’s delivery. Also, my pizza orders are never complete without an order of cookie brownies.
Whenever I get the “pleasure” of going grocery shopping at Wal-mart, I always make a trip to the baby food section to grab a few bottles of Gerber banana puffs. Although I am not a fan of bananas, these banana puffs are the perfect snack for any time of the day and they melt in your mouth like cotton candy.
They are also supposed to improve your brain development and help you crawl.

Sophomore Helen Pope has been a part of the Gazebo staff for two years and is a staff writer. She has been attending Stratford for 12 years, beginning...