Full House: There’s never a dull moment at my place
For as long as I can remember, my house has been busy.
Growing up with four siblings and seven people in my house, as expected, is a recipe for craziness.
Our seven different personalities tend to clash and, after so many years, conflict is inevitable.
Personally, I have gotten the worse end of this deal, being a middle child of five kids. My older brothers, being so close in age, have always grouped together because of their similarities and shared room.
Similarly, my younger siblings have the same experience, being twins in one bedroom.
I have always been the odd one out of the five of us. But being the middle child and oldest girl came with its perks. I always have had my own room making me the only person in my house to have this, which is very exciting.
My siblings and I fought constantly growing up. Whether it was what to eat for dinner, who took the first turn in the bathroom, or who choose what we watched on television, there was always a budding of heads.
My siblings tend to group up making me the person who made the final decision, and the target of those whose side wasn’t chosen.
Now, I know I’m making it seem like growing up with four siblings was a very bad experience, but I wouldn’t change it for the world. There was never a dull moment in my household, and laughter was always present.
My siblings provided me with someone to play with when I was younger, someone to talk to, and overall shaped me into the person I am today.
Growing up with four siblings is definitely a roller coaster with many turns, drops, and a few loops, but it has been the best ride of my life.

Grade: Sophomore
Years on Gazebo: Second year
My Favorite Things: Hanging out with friends, food, playing tennis, traveling, the beach
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