Advice For My Freshmen Brother
If I could go back in time and change anything about the last four years, I would do so in a heartbeat. The only problem is, I cannot change the past. I can only learn from my mistakes and carry on. Since my brother, Thomas, is my only sibling, I had no idea what to expect when I entered high school. Instead, I can advise Thomas, who is currently a freshman.
The first piece of advice was to work as hard as you can. I worked extremely hard freshman year, studied as hard as I could, and did everything to the best of my ability. I do not regret that one bit. There is a lot more free time than you feel like there is, so I would recommend spending as much time as possible working. Break is a great time to do work, and you can even bring it to the lunchroom, so you can socialize while getting ahead. I also have found that if I work as soon as I get home from school, it prevents me from procrastinating.
Second, try new things for the experience. For example, I did shooting team with my friend, Helen Pope, who also is in no way, shape, or form an experienced skeet shooter. We did it for one season, and we gradually came to less and less of the events, but now, I know how to properly shoot a gun, even though I most likely will never pick up a gun again. I joined the French Club, even though I took Spanish for two years, and it is very interesting. Also, having extra activities is something great for your college applications.
Besides the two big aspects of high school, I have found tiny pieces that I wish someone told me were valuable, too. Forming teacher relationships is something that will help you. Be nice, do not talk about people behind their back, even though everyone else does it. Be polite and say hello to your teachers in the hallways.
Best of all, have fun. Before you know it, you will be graduating and figuring out your future.

NAME: Olivia Mann
GRADE: Senior
SCHOOL ACTIVITIES: Varsity Cheer, Beta Club, Key Club, Spanish Club, French Club, Film Club, Animal Rescue Club,...