Blah Monday? Blue Monday can be worse
Mondays can just be the worst.
That seems to be a universal constant. If you ask most people, Monday probably is not their favorite day of the week.

This Monday is Martin Luther King Jr.. Day, which honors the life of the great Civil Rights leader on his birthday. It is also a school holiday. Over the weekend, a number of students will be on a ski trip with a local church.
But this day has a darker side.
Blue Monday happens every January. It is considered to be the most depressing day of the year for the northern hemisphere.
The date is determined by an equation that involves variables like the weather, debt and days since the last Christmas. Doesn’t it sound crazy that there is a formula that is supposed to explain why you are allegedly going to be feeling down in the dumps?
The creation of the formula originated in 2005. The term was first coined by Sky Travel, a company that creates travel agency adverts. The only science they seem to use in the creation of this equation is common sense.
People are split on whether Blue Monday is a real phenomenon. Some people are prepared for the worst. Others don’t think they have anything to worry about.
Skeptics believe that emotions can’t be predicted through a formula.
While the idea of the Blue Monday formula seems very absurd, all the aspects of the day makes sense. People tend to get sad once a weekend is over. They also dislike the ending of the Christmas holidays.
Those who set New Year’s Resolutions only to find themselves neglecting progress constantly are disappointed. The months from October to December seem to fly by, having a holiday sandwiched in between them all. Once we all go back to work and school, we lose sight of the holidays we having coming up, like Valentine’s Day and Easter.
Whether the occurrence of ‘Blue Monday’ is real, let’s not let next Monday get the best of us.
Click here for a playlist of some special Blue Monday songs to help get you through the day.