Students enjoying new yoga class


Gazebo Photo by Madeline Davis

Taylor Justice, Madelyn Poss, Marlie Potts, Annika Brooks participate in 5th period yoga.

Kenna McElmurray looks forward to fifth period every day. That’s when she heads for the Summer Smisson Neel Room in the Daws Student Activity Center for her yoga class.

“My favorite days are deep stretch days and meditation days,’’ the Stratford sophomore said.

There are six students in this new elective. Some use the course for exercise, and others for meditation.  

Christa Conn is the teacher. She is new to teaching at Stratford, but she isn’t new to Stratford.  Many of her relatives attended Stratford, and some of them still do. She has two children, Carsyn and William. William is a fourth-grader at The Academy.

Mrs. Conn is a yoga instructor at Sparks Yoga on Washington Avenue in downtown Macon. Yoga has impacted her life because it has helped her live a healthier, happier, and more purposeful life.

Students do a different type of yoga every day. Yoga styles range from power yoga to gentle yoga. Some days they take time to discuss the importance of yoga.  

Mrs. Conn hopes that the students will understand the philosophy behind yoga, as well as the importance. Monday through Thursday they change up the style of yoga, and they always end with a relaxation time, Savasana.  

Savasana is a pose that is meant for deep relaxation and stretch.  Most classes end with this as a final pose.

Friday is a deep stretch and relaxation day. Many students hope this class will be offered in the future, and that it will be offered during multiple class periods.