In the end, a twin is your best friend


Being a twin is the most difficult challenge I have ever been through. My sister, Abigail, is  the older twin, and her name starts with an A, so her name is always called first for pretty much everything. 

My sister and I were born on  December 8, 2004. We are fraternal twins, people can tell we are sisters, but not twins.

I have had many great times being a twin, but also a lot of fights and challenges I never expected. One of the best things is being in different friend groups, but also sharing friends, too. My pet peeve is when people call me Abigail even though they know I’m Caroline, but I try not to let it bother me.  

Twins always have a challenging time with competitions because one wants to be the best, at least that’s true for us. She is my best friend, but also my worst enemy which is strange because the two normally are not the same person. I have many people in my life who help me get over the fights with my sister that I love.

 I am super close with her now, but it has not always been that way. When we were younger, my mom would make us wear matching clothes that we both hated. After a few years, we started to drift apart as we grew up, and found different sports and hobbies. Around middle school, we both played basketball, but she was also busy with cheer, and I was busy with soccer. 

Twins always have a challenging time with competitions because one wants to be the best, at least that’s true for us. She is my best friend, but also my worst enemy.

— Caroline Crick

This is the first year we have had classes together. We were NEVER in the same classes in middle school, or lower school, or even preschool. We now have three classes together, and I sit behind her Mr. Earle’s Geometry class. This is where we get competitive again.

Another pet peeve is how no one knows which name to say first when singing happy birthday which sounds stupid, but it’s annoying. 

Driving has become a problem with both us wanting to drive. I can only imagine when we get our driver’s licence in December, and if we are sharing a car or not. If we share a car, there will be many competitions on who drives. If we do not share a car, we will end up racing or doing other competitions. No matter what we do, there are always competitions involved. 

Twin telepathy does occur sometimes even though I personally do not think it’s true. I think we are around each other so much, that we have similar thoughts. We fight a lot, but in the end she will always be my best friend.